Sunday 29 March 2009

Puppy Power!!!!!!!!!!!

Next door lives my pal, Tess. She is a German Short-haired Pointer, and she's just lovely. She's a bit older than me but very nice. Not long ago she got herself a boyfriend, Yme. Well, I'm not really sure if their human gave them the 'birds and the bees' talk, because:
yes, just look at that adorable mound of puppies above and here below:

these little squeakers are only 1 day old in these photos and I cannot believe I was ever this small or helpless. But, as you can see below, they are being taken care of just fine by their mummy, my big pal, Tess.

One more gratuitous shot of all 11 puppies, yes 11, to enhance the ahhhhh factor:

If anyone is interested in one of my wee pals next door, please see the advert on epups, click here. Unlike me, they are very good dogs.